Sunday, February 8, 2015

Kyle M Scott Singing Saw Player, Artist, Boyfriend and BandLeader Taken to Soon

It was in Austin at the Red Eyed Fly a bar that has recently closed its doors to live music where I had a chance to see a sight I had never seen before.  Kyle M Scott was on the stage with his band  Convict Hill .  They went on before us but as it is a lot of times in these multi-billed shows the order of which the bands played had nothing to do with the talent being shown.  Most of Kyle's band had left after their performance but I was glad to have caught Kyle when we were done with our set.  He asked me where he could get some of my music when he approached me.  I was flattered.  He introduced me to his girlfriend and I introduced them both to my wife who handed them a free download card of my 1st 2 EP's.  Kyle being the class act that he was left a tip equal to that of purchasing them both even though I offered them for FREE and that's just a glimpse into the kind of person he was.  I then told him I was recording my new album while in ATX at Music Lane Studios.  I was not only flattered that he approached me as an equal but also as a Fan because I too was taken back by Kyle M Scott's playing of the Electric Singing Saw.  An instrument I'd seen only on Hee Haw being Played but never had I seen it Electrified.  Kyle also used a pedal board of special selected effects pedals that brought his skill of the instrument to another level entirely in my humble opinion.  I begged him to be the Featured Artist on a track called "My Neck of the Woods"and he embraced the opportunity.  I called up Rob Hinton of Mesa Studios in Devalle, TX and asked if it would be possible to track there and luckily he was available.

This video was made in hopes that we could bring Kyle M Scott's incredible talent to the attention of the masses.  It is but a small sample of the awesomeness that was stripped away from the world far to soon.

You will always be remembered my friend.  I will consider myself eternally blessed that you shared your talent with me.  I will constantly be reminded in your absence how fleeting our time is here.  I can only hope to one day be reunited with God's Favorite Singing Saw Player and the wielder of Silver Destiny He Came He Saw He Conquered